NP Krka

Registration for LegendFest NP KRKA 2017 programme is now CLOSED! Thank you to all participants who submitted their projects.

The theme of the festival: FAIRIES AND FAIRY CREATURES

Stories, legends and myths about fairies primarily related to Krka and Šibenik-Knin County will have a priority in the selection, although programs that may contain similar themes such as listed below will also be accepted:

  • Other legends and myths from Krka and Šibenik-Knin County
  • Witches, krsniks/wizards, mystical creatures, spirits, nightmares, dwarfs
  • Alchemists, aristocrats, military generals
  • Historical figures/personalities
  • Old stories, customs, traditions, folktales…

We kindly ask the performers whose programmes are accepted at the LegendFest to comply with the arranged dates of their programmes and to adopt the highest degree of professionalism in dealing with all aspects of the festival, so that LegendFest is as successful as possible in order to offer visitors a real Legend experience they deserve. Thank you and see you at the LegendFest!

About NP Krka

Krka National Park lies about 10km inland from Sibenik. Named after the Krka River, the Park covers an area of just over 142 square km and includes two thirds of the river itself. The area is exceptionally rich in endemic flora and fauna, containing 222 types of bird species and over 800 species of plant life.

The top attraction of the Park is its magnificent waterfalls, including the famous Skradinski Buk falls which are one of Croatia’s most famous sights.

The tiny island of Visovac in the Krka river was settled by Franciscan monks in 1445, who originally built a monastery in that year and a church in 1576. The monastery contains a number of well-preserved artefacts and a library.

Roski Slap is another famous sight within Krka National Park; a series of 12 waterfalls in a space of 450 metres, the largest being just over 22 metres in height and 60 metres in width.

More information about Krka National Park is available on the official website

About Roški slap (Roski waterfall)

Roški slap, which is hosting this year’s first LegendFest of Sibenik-Knin County, is the most famous waterfall of National park Krka after Skradinski buk. At the same time, this is the last waterfall in the course of the Krka river before Skradinski buk. The waterfall is named after the medieval Croatian town Rog, ruled by many dukes of Ugrinić family. Over the waterfall, there is a road that dates back to Roman times. In 1910, on the right bank of the river, the Roški slap hydroelectric plant was constructed.

On both riverbanks, there are numerous mills, several of which have been restored and returned to their original function. Next to the mills, there is a renovated pillar for wool production and a ‘valjavica’ for washing fabrics, which have a special cultural and historical significance and as such are monuments of rural architectural and trade history. Due to their primary function and expression of rural life, these structures are considered to be ethnographic monuments.

Roški slap is especially interesting due to the distinctively rich canyon vegetation which comes in contact with the dry, light and moist shady habitats.

More information is available on the official website


How to reach Roški slap?

Daily free bus service running twice a day is organised especially for LegendFest visitors:

DEPARTURE – at 10:00 and 16:00

Šibenik (Poljana) – Vidici – Konjevrate – intermittent stops – Roški slap

RETURN – at 14:00 and 22:30

Roški slap – Konjevrate – Vidici – intermittent stops – Šibenik (Poljana)

There are other ways you can reach Roški waterfall:

A) By road from the towns of Drniš, Knin, Lozovac, Skradin and Šibenik.

Distance (km)    to      ROŠKI SLAP

Drniš                                      18

Knin                                       42

Lozovac                                30

Skradin                                 17

Šibenik                                 42

B) By NP Krka excursion boats from Skradinski buk. Duration of the boat trip is 4 hours, with the stop-over at Roški slap for one and a half hours.

On the 8th and 9th of July, the departure boat timetable is as following:

  • 10:00 Skradinski buk – Roški slap – Visovac – Skradinski buk
  • 15:00 Skradinski buk – Visovac – Roški slap – Skradinski buk

Apart from the park entrance ROŠKI SLAP/LAŠKOVICA, there are several others: Park entrance Skradin, Park entrance Lozovac, Park entrance Burnum /Puljani, Park entrance Kistanje/Manastir.

More details about the park entrances can be found on the NP Krka official website

Interactive map of NP Krka can be found on the NP Krka official website

PDF map of the NP Krka with marked trails and legends can be found here (.pdf)

PDF map of the Roški slap with marked trails and legends can be found here (.pdf)

Map of the Roški slap with marked festival programme locations and programme schedule can be found here (.PDF)


All festival programmes are free of charge and participation registration is not required.

Visitors only pay for the regular tickets to the National Park Krka which can be purchased at the Roški slap entrance or at any other entrance to the National Park. The latest price list can be found here.



Visitors of the National park Krka have a wide range of accommodation options; from camping and hostels to private accommodation and hotels. More details can be found at the following links:

Turist Board of Skradin

Turist Board of Šibenik

Turist Board of Drniš

Turist Board of Knin

Family Farm Skelin

Partners 2017

LegendFest at Roški waterfall 2017


Association Val kulture

Public Institution “National Park Krka”

Partners 2016

Festival announcement day in Šibenik 2016


Association Val kulture

Embassy of Israel in Croatia

Tourist Board of Šibenik


RP Global


Israeli Friendship Association

LegendFest at Roški waterfall 2016


Association Val kulture

Public Institution “National Park Krka”

Parks of Croatia

All articles related to NP Krka

Upcoming festivals at NP Krka