LegendExpo in Križevci

The exhibition of illustrations by renowned Croatian illustrators and creators of visual identity of previous LegendFest festivals was held on the premises of the City Library ‘Franjo Marković’ in Križevci, St. Florian Square 14 from the 18th of April to the 1st of May, 2016. 

The exhibition was opened by the president of the Association Val kulture (Wave of culture) Ivor Zidarić on Monday, the 25th of April at 7PM, followed by a presentation of the project ‘Etymology, stories and mythical creatures of Kalnik region‘ of the Centre for Experimental Archaeology.

Since LegendFest is increasingly becoming a recognizable Croatian cultural product and tends to spread across many Croatian counties, the objective of this exhibition is to familiarise the citizens of Križevci with the concept of the festival and in doing so, open the doorway in the Koprivnica-Križevci County.

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